Republic Square (Trg Republike) 
The main meeting point for Belgradians.

Words: Elvira Ibragimova
Photo: Konstantin Kondrukhov

Nowadays the central square of Belgrade is located on a place where the gates leading to the city used to be. An observant eye can detect their traces marked by diagonal lines in the square paving. If you continue to examine the paving instead of buildings around, you can find a tile marking the place where a burial place of fighters for the liberation of Belgrade in the Second World War was situated. Of all objects on the square an equestrian monument to Prince Mikhail is the oldest one. It is here, “by the horse“, where Belgradians prefer to meet each other. With the help of the buildings around one can follow the development of architecture in the 20th century — from the National Theater and the National Museum of the first half of the century through the Press House up to the shopping mall “Staklenats” built in the late 1980s.


Dobos cake, rum cubes and mignones.

Mali Pijac

Gastro bistro, uniting Serbian and French traditions